Utvalgsrapport 01


Rapport om valg av representanter for Kyushu-området som sikter på statsborgere

Yanmar Agri Japan Co., Ltd. is a company that provides products and services on agriculture. In Japan, the number of agricultural workers is decreasing year by year, and the cultivating area per capita is increasing. Therefore, we wish an easier farming for a longer time with smart farming that utilizes ICT, such as introducing agricultural machinery. We have systems in place to provide optimal services promptly, such as “Smart Assist” to watch over the agricultural site, “Dr.AGRI” equipped with tools essential for agricultural machinery maintenance, “Remote Support Center” to monitor the condition of agricultural machinery 24 hours a day, and “Agri Support Center” with large machine maintenance factory.
For the Service Awards, a total of 3 people were selected, 1 from the technical employees of the 6 branch offices and 2 from the logistics and maintenance departments. Here, we would like to introduce a Service Contest that selected the technical employee nominees held at the Kyushu branch office.
*This selection was held in 2020.

Til venstre er et kjøretøy kalt Dr. AGRI for umiddelbar diagnose og reparasjon.



  • A total of 3 people, including 1 selected at the national convention and 2 selected from the logistics and maintenance department, won the Service Awards!
  • From the representatives selected from each branch office, further examination is conducted and Service Awards winners are selected.
  • Representanter for hvert avdelingskontor som konkurrerte om tekniske ferdigheter og forslagsevner avsløres.
  • Som en andre kvalifiseringsrunde avholdes en servicekonkurranse på hvert avdelingskontor.
  • Gjennomførte Yanmars originale akademiske test. Av 1 249 personer går servicepersonell som passerte referansepunktet videre til andre kvalifiseringsrunde.
  • Zoomer inn på Kyushu-grenens siste turnering!




Kanto Koshinetsu

Chubu Kinki



A total of 3 people, including 1 selected at the national convention and 2 selected from the logistics and maintenance department, won the Service Awards!|
      From the representatives selected from each branch office, further examination is conducted and Service Award winners are selected.|From the representatives selected from each branch office, further examination is conducted and Service Awards winners are selected.|Representatives of each branch office who competed for technical and proposal abilities are revealed.|As a second qualifying round, a Service Contest is held at each branch office.|Conducted Yanmar’s original academic test.|Out of 1,249 people, service staff who passed the reference point moves on to the second qualifying round.
  1. Avdelingskontorets første kvalifiseringsrunde (akademisk test)
    Gjennomførte Yanmars originale akademiske test. Av 1 249 personer går servicepersonell som besto referansepunktet videre til den andre kvalifiseringsrunden.
  2. Avdelingskontorets andre kvalifiseringsrunde (Service Contest)
    Som en andre kvalifiseringsrunde avholdes en servicekonkurranse på hvert avdelingskontor.
  3. Firmafinaler (servicekonkurranse)
    Representanter for hvert avdelingskontor som konkurrerte om tekniske ferdigheter og forslagsevner avsløres.
    Zoomer inn på Kyushu-grenens siste turnering!
  4. Nasjonal konkurranse
    From the representatives selected from each branch office, further examination is conducted and Service Awards winners are selected.
  5. Tildele
    A total of 3 people, including 1 selected at the national convention and 2 selected from the logistics and maintenance department, won the Service Awards!

Oversikt over servicekonkurransen

At the Yanmar Agri Japan Service Contest, in addition to the “general skill (technical part)” required of technical employees,
nominees compete in the usage skill of Yanmar's original service tool “SA-D (Smart Assist Direct)” that supports products with high functions,
and also their “service proposal skill (proposal part)” toward customers.

  • Teknisk del (40 min.)
    Tekniske evner til de forhåndsinnstilte forholdene undersøkes. I tillegg til den grunnleggende teknikken, scorer dommerne 5 sjekkpunkter som nøyaktighet og fingerferdighet i 5 nivåer.
  • Forslagsdel (10 min.)
    Evnen til å svare på kunder som er misfornøyde med vedlikeholdsdetaljene og det estimerte beløpet vurderes. Dommerne vil gradere alle 5 punktene i 5 nivåer, for eksempel om forslaget til kunden er hensiktsmessig og om det kan forklares på en lettfattelig og logisk måte.


Områderepresentant er
valgt ved Kyushu-grenens finaler.

Fredag 13. november 2020 ble finalen i Kyushu-grenutvalgsturneringen til YANMAR AGRI JAPAN Service Contest holdt i Agri Solutions Center i YANMAR AGRI JAPAN CO., LTD., Kyushu-avdelingskontoret.
Det er 202 tekniske ansatte under jurisdiksjonen til Kyushu-avdelingskontoret. Blant dem jobbet 3 utmerkede tekniske medarbeidere som vant den strenge kåringen denne dagen sammen om billetten til å delta i den nasjonale konkurransen.
Av de 3 kan kun én gå videre til neste nasjonale konkurranse. Konkurransen fortsatte med seriøs oppmerksomhet fra både deltakerne og dommerne, og Kyushu-områdets representant for 2020 ble avgjort.

Forutsatt daglige aktiviteter, undersøkes tekniske evner og foreslå ferdigheter.

The competition at Yanmar Agri Japan was in two parts. A “technical part” to check technical abilities and a “proposal part” to look at proposal skills in certain conversations.
“Technical part” was held outdoors. Machine troubles are to be solved technically. In addition to the normally used tools, the judges see whether they can use the functions of Yanmar’s original service system “SA-D (Smart Assist-Direct)*” for a quicker and safer repairment. Based on the examination sheet, judges score the process of finishing in time while utilizing daily knowledge.

In the “Technical part”, examination is carefully done including what kind of tool was used and how it was used.

“Proposal part” was held indoors. A role-playing system was adopted in which other Yanmar employees acted as customers and contestants served them. The point here is whether the staff is able to serve a customer dissatisfied with the estimated price so that they can understand and make a deal. Contestants provide explanations that are easy for customers to understand and convince, while presenting quotations and materials prepared in advance. It is an important examination for us to explain carefully what part of the machine needs repair and what caused it to break down, because this can lead to our trust.

In the “Proposal part”, Q&A session after the announcement was lively.

Med alt håp, til de nasjonale.

It was November... but sunny as it can be. All were sweating at the contest. During the examination, other sales staff members were also watching seriously, and it seemed that they were looking for something that they could incorporate or refer to. In addition, the judges that gathered from within the jurisdiction of the Kyushu branch office for each department are also conducting the examination sincerely with a fair eye. It was a contest where anyone could feel the unwavering passion from all the people involved.
At the award ceremony, Mr. Kanaizumi, who was last year’s winner who participated as a judge, encouraged Mr. Nakazono, the representative of the Kyushu area. “The good atmosphere of your store was shown by the words that you strongly responded to a customer in the proposal power part ‘Leave it to Yanmar’. Please do your best for the national competition.” President Sugiyama, who also participated as a judge, closed the Service Contest Kyushu branch final tournament “I think it's a lot of detailed work, but you’ve been working hard and I've learned a lot too.”

Mr. Nakazono, valgt i Kyushu-området (sentrum).
  • * Merk: SA-D er forkortelsen for Smart Assist-Direct. Yanmars system for å støtte vedlikehold som å administrere den nåværende tilstanden til motorer og elektriske systemer, havarier og utskifting av deler. Kontroll og drift kan gjøres på PC eller nettbrett.


  • Oita Northern Block Takada Branch
    Mr. Daiki YOKOTE
    Det er 4 år siden jeg ble teknisk ansatt. Jeg fortsetter fra forrige gang, og jeg deltar i denne tjenestekonkurransen. Innholdet er annerledes enn forrige gang, og det er mye å lære. Hvis jeg kan vinne mesterskapet, vil jeg gjerne dele premien med medlemmene av avdelingskontoret som samarbeidet med og støttet meg.
  • Kumamoto Satsuma Block Miyanojo Branch
    Mr. Asahi NAKAZONO
    Dette var første gang jeg deltok i Servicekonkurransen. Det var en god stimulans og studie for å kunne se på nært hold de praktiske ferdighetene til andre deltakere som var annerledes enn meg. Faktisk kontakt med kunder er den virkelige gleden som teknisk ansatt, så jeg vil gjerne returnere denne opplevelsen for tjenester for å glede kundene.
  • Saga Block Arita Branch
    Mr. Akira NISHIKAWA
    Etter å ha brutt gjennom kvalifikasjonene, utfordret jeg denne turneringen med videre praksis og forskning. Jeg har jobbet i flere tiår, og trodde jeg kunne bruke erfaring og refleksjonspunkter. Det er kunnskap og erfaring man kan få ved å bare delta, så jeg oppfordrer folk som ennå ikke har erfart til å delta aktivt.

Kommentarer fra dommere

YANMAR AGRI JAPAN CO., LTD. Avdelingsleder for tjenesteforretningsfremme- Mr. Akihito IYAMA
I have been a judge since the first contest. This year, the schedule was difficult to decide due to the influence of COVID-19, and while the preparation period was short, it was a tournament where I could feel that the technical employees were enthusiastically practicing and studying. Although there are still many improvements, Service Contest and Service Awards are opportunities to reconsider the methods of daily maintenance and communication with customers. I would like you to take pride in being a technical employee here in Yanmar with safety first and work hard.

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