Acceptable Use Policy

Welcome to the Yanmar website.
The Yanmar websites and (“Website”) are operated and controlled by Yanmar Holdings Co., Ltd. and Yanmar Group companies (collectively referred to as “Yanmar”).
By using the Website, you and any person using the site (collectively referred to as “User”) confirms to have carefully read, understood, and agreed to abide by the terms and conditions of use as stated below.
Yanmar Group companies refer to all companies which are stated in the Privacy Policy.

1. Protection of Private Information

The Yanmar Privacy Policy has been provided in the interest of protecting the privacy of our customers.
Yanmar operates and controls the Website in compliance with the Privacy Policy to ensure that Users can use the Website with peace of mind.
Please refer to the Privacy Policy for details regarding the protection of private information.

2. Precautions When Disclosing Private Information

Only disclose private information after having read, understood and agreed to both the Privacy Policy and the following stated terms and conditions.

3. Intellectual Property Rights

All content and information published on the Website, including any trademarks, designs, photographs, arrangements and text articles, are protected by copyright laws, trademark laws and other protective laws.
The unauthorized use, distribution or reproduction of any Website content is prohibited.

4. Usage of Access Log Information and Cookies

The Website uses cookies for the purpose of improving our website.
The Yanmar Cookie Policy has been provided in the interest of protecting the cookies of our customers. Please refer to the Cookie Policy for the details information.

5. Management of the Bulletin Board

The Website contains a bulletin board.
Yanmar Holdings Co., Ltd. and Yanmar Group companies controls the bulletin board.
As any information published on the bulletin board is regarded as public information, it is the User’s responsibility to ensure that due caution is exercised when handling private information.

6. Website Links

The Website contains links to external websites controlled or offered by third parties. Yanmar does not share private information with these third parties.
The Website is not liable in any manner for any incident connected to the collection of private information by linked third party sites.
Please refer to the third party site’s policy on the collection and handling of private information.

7. Links to the Website

The establishment or publication of unauthorized links to the Website is prohibited.
Any person wishing to establish a link to the Website must contact Yanmar and obtain permission via our Contact Form.
When contacting Yanmar, we request that the User fills in the mandatory items (name, company name, name of affiliated association or group, name of the person in charge, phone number, website URL, URL to be linked to, type of link and reason for wishing to link the Website) after having carefully read, understood and agreed to act in accordance with the following conditions.
As a general rule, Yanmar will respond within 2 weeks in relation to the outcome of the request.
Linking to the Website prior to receiving permission from the person in charge of the application is prohibited.

  • Yanmar does not permit links which use frames.
    Please use a text link or a link that uses the official Yanmar logo.
    Any person wishing to establish a link using the Yanmar logo must specify this intent when contacting Yanmar.
    Yanmar will send the logo data when approving the request to link the Website.
  • As a standard, the link will be directed to our Top Page.
    In the case where the User desires to link an alternate page on the Website, the User must clearly state the URL of the alternate page that it wishes to establish a link to.
  • Yanmar reserves the rights to make changes and/or delete content and/or URLs at any time without notice.
  • Any private information obtained when making the application to link to the Website, will be appropriately managed in compliance with the Privacy Policy.

Yanmar does not permit links from the following sites:

  • Any site which violates or runs the risk of violating the property, reputation, personal rights or privacy of the Yanmar Group or a third-party.
  • Any site which slanders or causes the loss of credibility, or runs the risk of doing so, of the Yanmar Group or any third-party.
  • Any site which violates or runs the risk of violating intellectual property rights, including copyrights of the Yanmar Group or any third party.
  • Any site which contravenes public order and morality.

Third party controlled sites may be requested to remove the link after permission to post the link has been granted, in the case where the site does not conform to the Yanmar guidelines.
In the case where Yanmar requests the link to be removed, the link must be removed immediately.
Third party controlled sites which link to the Website are not under the management or control of Yanmar and Yanmar will not be liable in the case where any trouble occurs in relation to these third party sites.

8. Proposals from Users (Refusal)

As Yanmar develops its own technology, any suggestion, idea, proposal or other material provided to Yanmar by the User shall be handled as follows:

  1. Yanmar does not accept any suggestion, idea, proposal or other material with the exception of the case whereby Yanmar officially submits a public request for a proposal.
  2. Yanmar does not accept any suggestion, idea, proposal or other material by electronic mail or postal mail.
  3. Regardless of the aforementioned, in the event where Yanmar receives any suggestion, idea, proposal or other material by electronic mail or postal mail, it will be understood that the User who sent the suggestion, idea, proposal or other material to Yanmar, has clearly understood, accepted and agreed to the following conditions:
    1. Any suggestion, idea, proposal or other material which is submitted to Yanmar is on a non-confidential basis. Yanmar bears no obligation of confidentiality.
    2. Yanmar is not obligated to accept, investigate or evaluate any suggestion, idea, proposal or other material.
    3. In the event whereby a Yanmar product or service which is announced to the public, resembles or is identical to all or part of any suggestion, idea, proposal or other material which was sent to Yanmar, Yanmar is neither liable in any manner whatsoever, nor obligated to make any compensation payment, to the User or any third party.

9. Prohibitions

The following acts are prohibited when using the Website:

  1. Any act which leads to loss or damage to Yanmar or any third party.
  2. Criminal acts or any act that is linked with criminal activity
  3. Business or sales activities without explicit consent from Yanmar
  4. Any act of sabotage including the spreading of computer viruses.
  5. Submission of applications, notifications, reports or any other communications using a false or fraudulent email address, or an email address belonging to a third person or party.
  6. Any act which Yanmar deems as inappropriate.

10. Disclaimer

The Website may alter or delete published content at any time without notice.
While due care is exercised, Yanmar does not guarantee the accuracy and integrity of information or material published on the Website.
Yanmar shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User which may arise from using or not being able to use the Website.
The Website may contain information on products or services which may not be available for use in some countries or regions. Yanmar asks for your understanding on this matter.

11. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Website use and conditions of use will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the Japanese Law.
Any dispute which arises in connection to the use of the Website will be resolved under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Osaka District Court.

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