VISION01 An Energy-saving Society

VISI01 Masyarakat Hemat Energi


Memperluas kemungkinan energi. Menggunakan daya, listrik, dan panas yang terjangkau dan aman, kapan pun dan hanya sebanyak yang diperlukan.

Produk, Layanan, dan Dukungan Kami untuk VISI 01

Sistem Manajemen Energi

Kami berkontribusi pada optimalisasi penggunaan energi di seluruh fasilitas melalui diagnostik efisiensi bahan bakar dan analisis status operasional energi. Inilah cara kami membantu mencapai efisiensi energi.

Mesin Diesel untuk Penggunaan Industri

Kami mengembangkan mesin yang sangat hemat bahan bakar dan berdaya tinggi untuk memperluas sektor mesin diesel industri kami. Mesin ini juga kompatibel dengan standar Stage V Eropa terbaru.

SDG selaras


Tantangan sosial yang harus dipecahkan terkait VISI 01

Berkontribusi Melalui Bisnis


SDG selaras

Mesin kelautan berbahan bakar hidrogen dan pengembangan MHFSdipilih untuk Proyek Dana Inovasi Hijau NEDOuntuk membangun kapal tanpa emisi.


Di tengah momentum dekarbonisasi yang tumbuh secara global, pengurangan lebih lanjut emisi gas rumah kaca telah menjadi isu mendesak dalam domain pelayaran internasional. Pada bulan Oktober 2021, pemerintah Jepang dan industri pengapalan mengumumkan target emisi GRK nol bersih dari pengapalan internasional pada tahun 2050, dan Organisasi Maritim Internasional, yang mengadopsi Strategi Awal pada tahun 2018 untuk mengurangi emisi dari pengapalan internasional setidaknya 50% pada tahun 2050, berencana untuk merevisi dan lebih memperkuat strategi ini pada tahun 2023.

  • Referensi: Menuju Pencapaian Net Zero GRK Emissions dari International Shipping by 2050, Shipping Zero Emission Project


Mid- to high- four stroke engine for auxiliary engine
Mid- to high- four stroke engine for auxiliary engine

Organisasi Pengembangan Teknologi Industri dan Energi Baru, NEDO meluncurkan proyek ini untuk mengembangkan kapal laut generasi mendatang pada Januari 2022, untuk membangun kapal tanpa emisi. Yanmar Power Technology bergabung dengan Kawasaki Heavy Industries dan Japan Engine Corporation, J-ENG, untuk mengembangkan mesin kelautan berbahan bakar hidrogen dan MHFS *1 dan berperan aktif dalam proyek tersebut.

Ketiga perusahaan tersebut secara bersamaan terlibat dalam inisiatif untuk mesin kelautan berbahan bakar hidrogen, dengan Kawasaki mengembangkan mesin 4-tak kecepatan sedang, Yanmar mengembangkan mesin 4-tak kecepatan sedang dan tinggi *2, dan J-ENG mengembangkan mesin 2-kecepatan rendah 2 -mesin stroke. Kami akan membahas jajaran mesin lengkap yang dapat digunakan untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan pada tahun 2026, dan berencana untuk melakukan program percontohan pada kapal yang beroperasi dengan perusahaan pelayaran dan galangan kapal, yang akan membawa manfaat bagi masyarakat dan ekonomi.

Through joint investment in a newly established company, HyEng and with MHFS developed at Kawasaki, the three companies are working together to build a hydrogen-fueled propulsion system by developing common technical elements such as basic combustion analysis, materials and sealing surfaces that meet ship classification regulations, and sharing testing facilities.

  • *1 MHFS: Marine Hydrogen Fuel System: hydrogen fuel marine tanks and fuel supply system
  • *2 YPT berencana untuk mengembangkan mesin berkecepatan menengah hidrogen berbahan bakar ganda terlebih dahulu, diikuti oleh mesin berkecepatan tinggi berbahan bakar hidrogen.

Swipe to see the right side of this picture.

  • Source: Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Yanmar Power Technology, Japan Engine Corporation

Nilai yang diberikan

Through hydrogen-fueled engines, we will contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions in a wide range of applications, with ocean-going vessels as the main focus, and also domestic vessels. In addition, we will provide a hydrogen-fueled engine system that ensures the necessary redundancy for ships, saves space in the engine room, and satisfies NOX and SOX regulations. The project will also help the revitalization of the domestic maritime industry.


SDG selaras

Contributing to the realization of a carbon-free society 100% hydrogen-fueled cogeneration manufactured by German company 2G to be sold in Japan and overseas by the end of FY 2022.


The pursuit of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are essential to achieve a carbon-free society. Wind power generation and solar power generation are also spreading in Japan, but the fluctuation of energy production remains a challenge, due to the characteristics of dealing with nature. Therefore, expectations are high for hydrogen as a new energy source. Hydrogen energy can be produced from various energy sources, including renewable energy, and has the advantage of not emitting CO2 when used. Businesses are increasingly focusing on this as a medium- to long-term key to achieving carbon neutrality.


Yanmar Energy System has concluded a sales agreement for the 100% hydrogen-fueled cogeneration system manufactured by the German company 2G Energietechnik GmbH. The agreement is for Asia, including Japan, the Middle East, and Africa, and the system will be used in Japan within this fiscal year. We plan to handle a total of 5 models* with a power generation capacity of 115 kW to 750 kW.

By November 2022, the machine will be installed at Yanmar Energy System’s Okayama Test Center for validation of construction and maintainability. In 2023, we will also open a facility where customers can see the actual product, and propose this system as a solution that includes hydrogen supply for various environmentally friendly projects and companies. We will also promote technological development so that gas engines made by Yanmar are also compatible with hydrogen fuel.

In the future, we will continue to propose total energy solutions, including CHP and hydrogen generators, and strengthen our initiatives to solve our customers’ energy challenges and realize a carbon-free society.

  • * Depending on the results of the test, the models and actual figures may change.
Image of the co-generation system with hydrogen engine manufactured by 2G
Image of the co-generation system with hydrogen engine manufactured by 2G
100% Hydrogen-fueled co-generation system manufactured by 2G
100% Hydrogen-fueled co-generation system manufactured by 2G

Nilai yang diberikan

By promoting hydrogen-fueled cogeneration systems that generate electricity and heat efficiently, businesses can curb the amount of fossil fuels and grid electricity in their business activities, thereby contributing to a decarbonized society.