Informe de selección 02


Presentación de la selección en Myanmar realizando informes y pruebas de práctica

Myanmar boasts the world's seventh largest rice production, and is an important market from the perspective of global food supply and demand. Yanmar Myanmar Co., Ltd. is actively engaged in providing various agricultural machinery and solutions that match local needs, as well as providing high-quality services. The office also has a full range of maintenance facilities, a large parts center, education and training facilities for farmers and service personnel, and an exhibition room with enhanced hospitality.
For the Service Awards, a total of 3 people were selected. 1 from each of the 3 categories: a dealer service personnel, a dealer parts personnel, and an engineer out of Yanmar Myanmar Co., Ltd. and dealers. Here, the process of selection is explained.
*This selection was held in 2020.

Flujo de selección

Diapositiva >>

Selection Criteria | Service (Dealer) : Achievement of evaluation criteria (daily point adding system) | Parts (Dealer) : Achievement of evaluation criteria (daily point adding system) | Technical (Yanmar Myanmar + Dealers) : Written and practical exams

Out of 64 people in (1) service, (2) parts, and (3) technical departments,
one person each with the highest evaluation (three people in total) won the Service Awards.

Resumen del proceso

In YANMAR MYANMAR CO., LTD. , we first announce the “standards of services provided (evaluation criteria)” to each department.
In the service and parts department, everyone acted with the evaluation criteria in mind from the day after the announcement.
From the following month, evaluation and reports on the evaluation criteria was to be submitted every month, and one person is selected as the best dealer.
After three practice tests, the technical staff will select one of the most talented staff in the final written and practice tests.

  • Departamento de Servicio
    Announcement of the evaluation criteria.
    In FY2020, 6 criteria were set, and evaluated on a 4-point scale. By holding the Service Awards, the direction of the target service can be visualized, and improvement is also effective.
  • Departamento de repuestos
    Anuncio de avances en base a criterios de evaluación.
    Al retroalimentar el progreso de la evaluación cada mes, también se mejora la práctica de las piezas, como mejorar la precisión de los pedidos y el envío oportuno. Además, explicamos los resultados de las encuestas a los clientes y compartimos evaluaciones desde la perspectiva del cliente al mismo tiempo.

Departamento técnico

  • Announcement of the evaluation criteria.
    We will also follow the flow to the Service Awards and technical follow-up for new products.
  • La primera prueba de práctica.
    Solo el personal que compita en la prueba escrita y pase el punto de referencia pasará a la segunda prueba de práctica.
  • La segunda prueba de práctica se realizó en línea. La producción agrícola no se detiene ni siquiera bajo la pandemia de COVID-19. Seguimos intentando brindar un servicio saludable.

Ceremonia de premiación en 2019

  • Dealer Management is also working as one to win the Service Awards. This contributed to the spread of Yanmar's service and parts policy, and the dealer president also made a speech saying that he realized that customer satisfaction had increased.
  • All participants and dealer managements were invited to the Service Awards ceremony, which was a grand event. It was a good opportunity for the entire group to further improve service activities and improve customer satisfaction for next year.

Entrevista al concursante

  • Departamento de Servicio

    Seinn Yaung So Manufacturing Co., Ltd,
    Sr. Pyae Phyo Htoon
    I am in charge of collecting and organizing machine failure information from customers and mechanics, and reporting it to Yanmar Myanmar Co., Ltd.
    I am happy and proud to work as a service staff at Yanmar dealers because Yanmar's services are accurate and visible, and we can provide customers with responsibility, confidence and efficiency.
    If I’d win the Service Awards, I would like to report it to the mechanic team who is at the forefront of customer service. If I can win the award, I think it is the result of their efforts too.
  • Departamento de repuestos

    Myanmar Future Farm Group Co., Ltd.
    Sr. Than Htun Aung
    As the person in charge of the parts department, I monitor inventory and order status, place orders, and formulate promotion plans for parts.
    Monthly reports and evaluations are a very good guide for better service to our customers in our day-to-day operations.
    The Service Awards have a positive impact on our morale and performance as an effective effort to improve customer satisfaction, and we find it very rewarding to prove our team's reputation.
  • Departamento técnico

    TPT Yee Shinn (Agricultura) Co., Ltd
    Sr. Thet Maung Maung
    A lo largo del año pasado, hemos practicado y probado en el sitio basándonos en los nuevos conocimientos adquiridos al estudiar para YAE *. Siento que es significativo tener la oportunidad de seguir estudiando para adquirir la calificación YAE, y también me doy cuenta de que ese conocimiento es directamente útil en la práctica.
    Además, mientras compartía ese conocimiento con mis subordinados, estaba consciente de la orientación que ayudaría a mis jóvenes a tomar el examen YAE.
    Mientras practicamos los conocimientos y habilidades adquiridos al estudiar para YAE, recibimos felicidad y vitalidad de las sonrisas de nuestros clientes cuando se reparan las máquinas.

  • *Note: YAE=Yanmar Agricultural mechanic Examination
    A system that measures knowledge and skills related to YANMAR product technical services according to a unified standard, and certifies employees who meet the standard as “YANMAR mechanic” qualifications. It will be a concrete guideline and goal for raising the skills of employees. Yanmar Myanmar's engineering department has designated the highest scorer in the YAE final exam as the winner of the Service Awards.

Comentarios de los jueces

Yanmar Myanmar Co., Ltd. (Departamento de Atención al Cliente) Sr. Tun Win Latt
He sido juez 3 veces hasta ahora, pero creo que la calidad del servicio del personal de servicio está mejorando año tras año gracias al sistema de evaluación de Yanmar Myanmar Co., Ltd. Mirando las evaluaciones e informes mensuales del servicio y departamentos técnicos, creo que están ayudando a brindar servicios sistemáticos y oportunos, mejorar las habilidades del personal que trabaja en la primera línea del campo y mejorar la etiqueta comercial.

It goes without saying that individual service skills and manners are important for improving customer satisfaction, but we believe that improving the organizational strength of the entire team is essential. I think the selection system in Myanmar is a good initiative to thoroughly spread the policy to all employees, including staff with little service experience. A sense of competition among service staff has also sprung up, and we are working to maintain high motivation for each other.
I hope that our service staff will continue to work on Service Awards so that they can not only solve customers' problems, but also respond with hospitality and a sense of speed that exceed their expectations.