Realizza zero emissioni GHG dalle attività aziendali
Realizza la neutralità del carbonio dai prodotti venduti e dalle attività aziendali
Dalla rivoluzione industriale, il riscaldamento globale è stato causato dalle emissioni di gas serra (GHG) delle attività umane. Nell'ambito della sfida 1, l'intero gruppo Yanmar svilupperà e commercializzerà motori ecologici compatibili con varie fonti di energia verde, come combustibili alternativi, motori e sistemi di celle a combustibile, senza compromettere la comodità del cliente, nonché macchinari agricoli e edili dotati di tali propulsori, al fine di raggiungere la carbon neutrality entro il 2050.
Ottieni un impatto ambientale zero dalle attività aziendali facendo circolare le risorse
Promuovi Riduci, Riutilizza e Ricicla per ciascuno dei quattro temi
In "Challenge 2", we set four themes and goals aiming to realize corporate activities to be environmental impact free. For example, in Theme 1 "Waste Reduction and Recycling," we will minimize the resources used in all aspects of our corporate activities, and at the same time, make all the resources we use recyclable by 2040. In this way, we aim to become a company that supports beautiful lifestyles while protecting the global environment from current activities, we set intermediate goals for 2030-2040 for each theme, and introduce improvements and new mechanisms to save the global environment step by step.
Contribuire alle emissioni negative di gas serra e alla circolazione delle risorse dei clienti
Fornire una serie di nuove soluzioni oltre il quadro delle attività aziendali convenzionali.
Under Challenge 3, the Yanmar Group will propose solutions to convert customer activities into GHG-negative and resource-recycling activities as active GHG reduction activities outside of the Group's corporate activities. For example, in the field of energy conversion, in addition to the energy management systems and high-efficiency internal combustion engines that we already provide, we also offer solutions to minimize the losses that occur during energy conversion and energy use in our customers' activities, such as solutions that convert waste heat into electricity and usable heat, and we aim to provide solutions such as CO2 capture and carbon fixation. In the area of food production, in addition to solutions that support the minimization of input materials in food production, such as precision fertilization, we aim to provide solutions that recycle production residues and food residues generated during food production as energy and food production materials, such as composters and biomass gasification systems, and solutions that realize food production that contributes to environmental conservation and recovery, such as regenerative farming.