Improving Together With the Whole Team

Reina Wakisaka Cerezo Osaka Yanmar Ladies

Working Toward a Team Where
Everyone Can Play Freely

The third season of the WE League, Japan’s first professional women’s football league, began this November.
What kind of performance should we expect from the Cerezo Osaka Yanmar Ladies, who have achieved their debut in the WE League?
For the eighth and final installment in our series of interviews with players shouldering grand expectations, we are joined by captain and central pillar, Reina Wakisaka.

You normally play as midfielder, but please tell us about your playstyle and defining characteristics.
My playstyle is keeping ball control and getting involved in goal opportunities. It’s my goal to be invaluable in both offense and defense.
What role do you think the team expects from you?
I am a midfield interceptor, I cover those around me, and I always think about positioning. I think defense is my specialty. Of course, I want to contribute using that specialty for our defense, but that alone won’t result in goals, so I also want to focus on scoring.
What do you think of the role of captain?
As captain, I am focused on improving the mentality of the whole team and keeping control during games. I also focus on using shouts to cheer up the team. I set my eyes on making the team one where everyone can participate freely.
Wakisaka leads the team on the pitch while playing a key role in the team’s mentality
Wakisaka leads the team on the pitch while playing a key role in the team’s mentality
Do you endeavor to raise the team’s younger players?
When it comes to the younger players, I focus on shouting out to them. Of course, it can be important to be strict, but I don’t want them to deflate, so I make sure to balance strictness with complements.
What do you think of the team’s potential and room to grow?
Regarding the team’s room to grow, I think it was apparent during the WE League Cup where we visibly improved each match. I could see each player’s improvement during each match so I’m looking forward to the future of the team. I think if we play for one year, we will improve by two levels.
Have you also felt the same growth in yourself through playing matches?
Yes. I believe that I was able to become what I am now thanks to match participation, so I believe the accumulation of experience is important.

Football where everyone participates as one

In the WE League Cup, which opened in August, the team finished second in the group with three wins, one draw and one loss. As a team and as a player, what lessons and tasks did you take away from this tournament?
Being able to participate in cup matches as a team was a great experience for us and it was important preparation for being able to confidently participate in the upcoming league matches. On a personal level, it was a great opportunity to be able to measure how much I have grown so far. I was curious what I would be able to achieve with two years of being away from Cerezo, and I was mostly satisfied with the results.
Was it significant that you were able to experience two seasons of the WE League?
Yes. The past two years were full of completely new experiences. I am able to share many things as a result of being away.
Having participated in the championship race with INAC Kobe Leonessa last season, what do you think of Cerezo Osaka Yanmar Ladies’ chances in the WE League?
Cerezo is still young and there is still a long way to go, but everyone has great ambitions and motivation towards improvement. The team’s goal is to get into the top 5, so we plan to aim for that as a minimum.
What do you think the team would have to work on to break into the top 3?
Mentality, and a singular courage. It’s impossible to ascend while fearing the opposition. I need to work on my encouragement to improve that. Once we improve that, I think we can aim for the top 3.
Having experienced a home game with Cerezo after a long time, what did you think of the atmosphere created by the fans and supporters at Yodoko Sakura Stadium?
Cerezo’s supporters are so warm, like a family. It was an atmosphere that I have been craving, that I cannot feel anywhere else.
Do you think the closeness of the fans and supporters is one of the team’s strengths?
Very much so. The supporters who have been behind us for many years are very considerate, and the cheers are truly kind, so I think everyone on the team sees them as great support.
Wakisaka fills the role of kicker in set plays making efficient use of her distinctive and precise kicks
Wakisaka fills the role of kicker in set plays making efficient use of her distinctive and precise kicks
You have been playing with Cerezo for a long time, but what do the Cerezo Osaka Yanmar Ladies mean to you?
To me, Cerezo Osaka Yanmar Ladies is my starting point, and the place that raised every part of me. I would not be where I am if not for Cerezo.
Please tell us your future goals as a player.
As a player, I hope to join Nadeshiko Japan and participate as a core player. To achieve that, I must continue what I am doing, putting in 100% every day, focus on myself and work hard so that I can be included in Nadeshiko Japan.
You won a gold medal at the Asian Games representing Japan. What kind of tournament was this for you?
The entire team was aiming for Nadeshiko Japan, so everyone was doing their best to leave a good result. On a personal level, I was hoping to evaluate my own strength and I was able to achieve everything I set out to do which gave me confidence. At the same time, the tournament showed me what I needed to do to level up my play. The Chinese and North Korean players showed great power and speed, and the Chinese midfielders were tall and showed great ball control. When it comes to challenging players like that, it comes down to technique and agility. I need to focus on training to improve in those areas.
Please give us your final words regarding the team’s first WE League.
The team’s goal is to get to the top 5, at a minimum. To achieve that, I will need to become a player who can uplift the team when things get difficult and the team as a whole will need to work on becoming as good as we can as we aim for the top 5. In terms of our play, I want the team to show our aggressive and enjoyable to watch football, where our team participates as one. Thank you in advance for your support.

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