YANMAR Technical Review

Editor's Postscript

April 13, 2018

The new fiscal year has commenced, with comfortable spring weather that is invigorating for both nature and our spirits. I keep hearing reports about blossoming cherry trees, which is a symbol of spring, from throughout Japan. How is it where you live? My own home is near a row of cherry trees, with many people coming to view the blossoms in expectation of their flowering. I would be delighted to think that our readers likewise look forward to the publication of this journal.

This issue contains six articles about technology and products from Yanmar's diverse portfolio of business activities. One of these, entitled "Innovative Low-Cost, Labor-Saving Technology for Rice Transplanters Using Dense Seedling and Automatic Adjustment of Planting Depth," is about the transplanting of rice, a task that begins when young leaves has grown after falling of blossoms on the cherry trees just mentioned.

Dense seedling transplanting technology enables the number of seedling mats per unit area to be reduced by using a rice-transplanting machine that allows precision picking of seedlings that have been grown at high density. Having developed this dense seedling transplanting technology that combines cultivation methods for sowing and growing seedlings at high density with techniques for high-precision planting, Yanmar has caught the attention of people involved in rice cultivation throughout Japan for the numerous benefits it provides, including lower material costs and labor requirements, while still utilizing the same cultivation practices and achieving the same yields as existing transplanting methods.

As we intend to bring you more news of such new technologies in the future, I hope you will continue to enjoy reading this journal.

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