News Release

Yanmar Contracted for Marine Ecosystem Research and Trials

September 13, 2012
Yanmar Co., Ltd.

Yanmar Co., Ltd. was contracted by the marine ecosystem research center Tohoku Ecosystem-Associated Marine Science (TEAMS) to conduct research into technology for the high yield production of shellfish seedlings for devastated aquaculture marine environments, with trials now underway in Iwate prefecture in the Tohoku region of northern Japan.

The Great East Japan Earthquake and ensuing tsunami devastated the Pacific coast of northern Japan last year. The tsunami swept enormous amounts of rubble into the waters, eroded and in some instances destroyed seaweed beds and tidal flats and left deposits of silt and sand in the area’s reefs, ravaging the ecosystem of these important coastal fisheries. Recovery of the marine ecosystem and restoration of coastal industries is a matter of urgency.

In this regard, it has been suggested that TEAMS activities should also include forging links with research institutes outside Japan as well as private sector firms, towards establishing itself as an international research facility conducting ongoing research into marine ecosystems.

Since last year, Yanmar, as just such a private sector company, has utilized its proprietary onshore bivalve seedling production technology to contribute to the restoration of coastal fisheries in northern Japan. Yanmar has enlisted the cooperation of local authorities, those involved in the region’s fishing industry and Tohoku University in an effort to restore the fisheries. The trials now underway are being carried out in cooperation with the entities above, towards realization of this goal.

Yanmar will continue to utilize the capabilities and resources of the entire Group to provide solutions towards restoring fisheries in the devastated areas.

1. Outline of Current Trials:

The following activities are to be carried out on the basis of the research contracted between Tohoku University and Yanmar:

1.  Verification trials of high yield production technologies for shellfish seedlings for the devastated aquaculture marine environments of northern Japan.

2.  Development and deployment of technologies for the mass production of shellfish seedlings.

2. Trial Schedule:

September, 2012 to March, 2013

3. Location:

Sanriku Yamada Fisheries Cooperative Association of Oura, Iwate prefecture, Japan

Note: Information contained in News Releases is used in press conferences and may differ from the most recently available information.

4. Inquiries:

Public Relations Group,
General Affairs Dept., Yanmar Co., Ltd.


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