Main Data


Engine Model 6EY26LW
No.of Cylinder 6
Cylinder Bore×Stroke [mm] 260×385
Rated Output [kW(PS)] 1400 (1903) 1620 (2203) 1730 (2352) 1840 (2502)
Genetator Capacity [kWe] 1300 1500 1600 1720
Rated Engine Speed [min-1] 720/750
Dry Weight (Engine) [kg] 18500
Dry Weight (Gen Set) [kg] 29800 30600

The engine dry weight may differ depending upon the specifications and attached accessories.
Above generator capacity will vary according to actual generator efficiency.

Dimensions [mm]

Engine Model A A2 B C D E F G
6EY26LW 1400~1620kW 6474 3974 1847 3520 5270 1420 1250 3150
1730~1840kW 6774 3974 1847 3520 5270 1420 1250 3150


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