Main Data


Rated Power

Engine Model 4HAL2-TN1 4HAL2-TN 4HAL2-WT
Type Vertical, Watar-cooled, 4-stroke Diesel
No. of Cylinders 4
Cylinder Bore × Stroke [mm] 130×165
Continuous Rated Output [kW(PS)] 72(98) 89(121) 116(157) 90(122) 115(156) 135(183)
Generator Capacity [kWe(kVa)] 64(80) 80(100) 104(130) 80(100) 100(125) 120(150)
Engine Speed [min-1] 1200 1500 1800 1200 1500 1800
Combustion System Direct Injection
Starting system Electric Starting or Air-motor starting
Dry Weight [kg] 1030
Total Weight (Gen.Set) [kg] 1855

Above generator capacity will vary according to actual generator efficiency.

Dimensions / Weights

[mm] / [kg]

Engine Model A A2 B C D E F G Dry Weight
Engine Gen.Set
4HAL2-TN1 72~116kW 2070 1245 1117 1685 1600 820 529 1312 1030 1855
4HAL2-TN 90~115kW 2070 1245 1117 1685 1600 820 529 1312 1030 1855
4HAL2-WT 135kW 2070 1245 1117 1685 1600 820 529 1312 1030 1855

The engine dry weight and outline may differ depending upon the specifications and attached accessories.




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