Chapter 3Magokichi's Achievements and the Yanmar of Today the Legacy of Magokichi's aspirations.

In the chaotic aftermath of the war, Magokichi's diesel engine bolsters the revival of the nation.
The third chapter examines the demands posed by diversification of the business and looks at how each employee at Yanmar takes on Magokichi's spirit of challenge.

※ This is a Japanese manga. Read panels right to left.

Other title

Chapter 1 Magokichi Yamaoka and the Beginning of Yanmar.

Chapter 1
Magokichi Yamaoka and the Beginning of Yanmar.

Chapter 2 Breakthroughs and Failure The diesel engine that was to hold the company's fate.

Chapter 2
Breakthroughs and Failure The diesel engine that was to hold the company's fate.

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