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YANMAR America Corporation is engaged in various social contribution activities

November 28, 2019
Yanmar Co., Ltd.

Henry’s Liverversary

In appreciation of YANMAR America employees’ efforts and willingness to volunteer in the community, we wanted to say THANK YOU! What better way than to be the title sponsor for the 11th Annual Liverversary event which took place at the YANMAR America EVO//Center on September 13, 2019. Employees who served throughout the year came together for an evening filled with authentic Cajun cuisine, a live auction, raffle, and musical entertainment. This event raised over $93,000 this year which is up from $39,000 the previous year. A proceeds went to the Georgia Transplant Organization, which is the primary source for transplant patient assistance and support for all solid organ transplantation in the entire state of Georgia.

Etowah River Clean Up

The YANMAR America Marine Division was excited to sponsor the Etowah River Clean Sweep for the
second year. In addition to the sponsorship, 13 employees, family members and friends cleaned up
over 600 lbs of trash from the Etowah River.

Adairsville Pink Out

On October 4th, Adairsville Elementary School hosted their annual Pink Out! YANMAR America was a contributing sponsor for this event, which raised over $9,000 for families in our community who are fighting cancer.

Great Lake Allatoona Cleanup

The YANMAR EVO//Center sponsored the Great Lake Allatoona Cleanup event at the $1,000 level. We also sent Jared Adams, Elena Iogha, and a staff member from one of our Partner in Education schools to assist in the lake cleanup. There was not much trash to pick up in the section that we were assigned to, but we were able to fill up 4 trash bags and collect a few tires to be removed.

Wildlife Action of GA fundraiser

The YANMAR EVO//Center sponsored and hosted a fundraiser for the Wildlife Action of Georgia non-profit group. A group that is dedicated to the appreciation and enjoyment of our wildlife heritage through the values of preservation, conservation, education, sportsmanship and fellowship.
Through the use of the EVO//Center, they were able to bring in a recording artist from Nashville, TN and sell tickets to the concert. The event was a huge success for them, as they raised close to $40,000 for their group.

Field Trips for McCall Primary School

Working with one of our Partners in Education, McCall Primary school, the EVO//Center staff hosted field trips for the entire school. The groups were divided into multiple field trips over the months of October & November. The field trip curricula contain lessons on YANMAR products and our impact on society, composting and healthy soil. We also have guest speakers from the United States Department of Agriculture to teach various lessons. The field trips have been such a success for the school, that they decided to base their entire school year around sustainability. We are working with the school leadership on more field trips and an entire video production project about living a more sustainable life.

Chattahoochee Tech Foundation Fundraiser

YANMAR America once again had the opportunity to invest as a Platinum level sponsor for the Chattahoochee Tech Foundation Fundraiser! This investment allowed the Foundation to provide a $1,000 scholarship in the name of YANMAR to students who are struggling to complete their programs of study. This year’s event, which includes a silent auction and a 50/50 raffle raised over $72,000 which is a new record amount of funds generated!

YANMAR Annual Can Drive

In conjunction with our annual tailgate event, YANMAR America challenged each Division to donate as
many cans as possible for the North Bartow Community Services food bank. Our Sales Admin Group
won this challenge by donating 369 cans! In total, YANMAR America collected 1240 cans to donate
to our community. Way to go TEAM YANMAR America!

School Supply Drive for Clark Creek

In working with our Partner in Education, Clark Creek STEM Academy, the YANMAR EVO//Center and YANMAR//Academy staff loaded up our equipment with various school supplies. With the help of a police escort, we delivered them to the school. Students and teachers lined the parking lot with signs that the children had created with sayings like, “We Love YANMAR”, “Thank You YANMAR!”, and “We LOVE our partners”. This was a great community story as well as a unique team-building exercise for the EVO//Center and Academy staff.

Kennesaw State University All-Majors Career & Internship Fair

YANMAR America participated in Kennesaw State University’s All-Major Career & Internship Fair for the
3rd consecutive year. With over 1200 students in attendance, we were able to discuss YANMAR’s
potential opportunities with many students and alumni while learning about their interest and future
career goals.

Buckets & Boos Halloween Community Event

In an effort to allow the local community of children to have an opportunity to trick-or-treat in a safe, fun environment, the EVO//Center hosted a community Halloween event. We provided candy for children all placed in YANMAR equipment, and also played a Halloween movie for the community to enjoy. Over 600 people came through the event. It was a huge success for all parties involved.

  • Note: Information contained in the news release is valid at the time of publication and may differ from the most recently available information.


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