Selection Report 03


Introducing a work-evaluating type selection that evaluates daily activities

Yanmar Energy System Co., Ltd. is a company that handles development, manufacturing, sales, construction, and maintenance service on power generation systems (emergency or regular power generation equipment / cogeneration), air conditioning systems (gas heat pump air conditioners (GHP)), drive systems, solar power generation systems, remote monitoring systems, etc. For “a society that realizes an energy-saving lifestyle,” which is Yanmar’s vision, we provide optimal solutions that meet the challenges of our customers.
Regular maintenance must be conducted to use the air conditioning system and power generation system comfortably and safely. We strive to provide quick and polite support for regular inspections, replacement of consumable parts, and repairs.
For the Service Awards, a total of 3 people were selected from the service staff of 26 support centers nationwide. 1 from the air conditioning system department, 1 from the power generation system department, and 1 from the parts department. Here, the process of selection is explained.
*This selection was held in 2020.

The remote monitoring system (RESS=Remote Energy Support System) constantly monitors devices and systems. We have a system in place to respond immediately to any trouble.

Selection Flow

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Primary Examination (Work evaluation):Screening is based on point evaluation according to the job in each department.| Secondary Examination (Work evaluation):Voting is conducted and selected by the representative of each support center and the head office management department, which often work together in daily operation.|Final Examination (Contest):10 people selected from the power generation service department and the air conditioning service department gave presentations.| Receiving the Service Awards:The 1st to 3rd place in each category received the Yanmar Energy System's original award, the ES Award. Among them, the 1st place won the Service Awards!

Final Examination Report
(Air conditioning service department)

This year, the final examination was held online.

September 30, 2020. Normally, the final examination is conducted in front of the judges, but this time it was held remotely online due to the effect of COVID-19 spreading. The 5 contestants who passed the secondary examination gave their thoughts on their work efforts and what they are careful about when dealing with customers.
Including the theme selected by each person, the process of solving a problem, the results, and the content of the presentation will be judged according to the evaluation criteria.
Since it was a presentation from their own office, it proceeded in a relaxed mood, but the facial expression and sincere attitude were there in the contest.

The final examination is conducted by executives based on the evaluation criteria of four categories: (1) theme, (2) process, (3) results, and (4) presentation.
Yanmar Energy System’s original ‘ES Award’ ceremony. The 1st prize winner wins the Service Awards.

Announced the original ‘ES Award’ to become a human resource who can demonstrate their abilities when necessary and in emergency.

YANMAR ENERGY SYSTEM CO., LTD. handles products such as equipment and machines that support social infrastructure and protect people's property and lives. We hold our own ES Award to be a service staff who can not only listen to customers' voices, think and act (preventive maintenance), but also make daily surveys, diagnosis and suggestions so as not to stop customers.
At the ES Award Ceremony held on another day after the final examination, the 1st to 3rd places were commended, and the 1st place received the Service Awards.

Yanmar Energy System’s original ‘ES Award’ ceremony. The 1st prize winner wins the Service Awards

Comments from Judges

YANMAR ENERGY SYSTEM CO., LTD. Headquarter Customer support divisionDirector General - Mr. Masahiro KANAMORI
It was my third time being a judge. As a unique event as YES, we set up a new Rookie Award (third year after joining the company) and Overseas Special Award. The primary and secondary examinations were conducted by document screening, and the final examination was conducted based on the content of one's work, particular focus, and achievements. The plan was to have the nominees for the final examination give a presentation in front of the actual judges, but due to the COVID-19 spreading, we decided not to do any business trips, and this time it was held remotely, but the enthusiasm fully reached us.

I think the Service Awards are a good opportunity to set a goal of daily activities, with the desire to be commended on the spot someday. I would like the award-winning people to be proud in their future work and provide guidance and education for younger generations. In that respect as well, I think it is increasing the value and motivation of the service staff.

Through this Service Awards, it would be great if we could develop people who are willing to improve their skills and who can solve complicated and difficult situations with high technique. In addition, I hope that you will be able to tell this experience to everyone around you, make proposals that will improve the level of the service staff as a whole, and take actions for reforms, and become a human resource who can involve others and work hard to achieve results.

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