Technology|About Us|YANMAR USA Skip to content

TECHNOLOGY COMPANYMoving into the future with technology

Ever since foundation, Yanmar embraces its pioneering spirit to improve people’s lives.
While offering solutions, we pursue technologies leading to maximum prosperity using minimum resources.
Sustainable prosperity for all. Lasting abundance in nature.For these two principles to coexist, we will continue to apply technologies to create a new form of prosperity for a better tomorrow.

VISION 01An energy-saving society.

Greater access to energy. Waste-free, safe and affordable heat, work and power, at any time.

Our SolutionWe offer highly efficient yet environmentally friendly energy.

We work to develop high-efficient and safe technology as well as systems optimizing various energy alternatives. With leading technological capabilities, we strive to create a balance between a comfortable lifestyle and least impact on the environmental.



VISION 02A society where people can work and live with peace of mind.

Relief from harsh working conditions. People earn a secure living in safe and fullfiling work and live rewarding lives in harmony with nature.

Our SolutionWe offer a comfortable working environment through automation and mechanical operations.

We help establish a better work place by using mechanization and automation technology which alleviate labor and increase productivity. We make this possible by supporting infrastructure, urban development, and technological development, all of which ensure safety and workability.



VISION 03A society where people can enjoy safe and plentiful food.

Delicious and nutritious food anytime, anywhere. Healthier living for all.

Our SolutionWe offer total support in the food value chain.

We help the entire food value chain from soil cultivation to raising seedlings, harvesting, and delivering produce to the consumers. We explore a sustainable framework for the agricultural and the fishing industries to add quality to our agricultural produce. We create a society where people worldwide can receive delicious and safe food.



VISION 04A society that offers an exciting life filled with rich and fulfilling experiences.

Get the most out of work and play. A better quality of life for all.

Our SolutionYanmar strives to enrich everyday life through its business.

We not only provide products and services which add convenience and originality, but also create labor-saving technologies. We aim to have a work and personal life with safety and prosperity.



TECHNOLOGY CONCEPTRealizing the maximum prosperity using the minimum resources

Most power from minimal energy. Most harvests with minimal effort.Most comfort with the least stress.Greatest happiness with minimal environmental impact.At Yanmar, we continue to develop technologies useful for food production and energy conversion,providing maximum results with minimal resources.Looking beyond the next 100 years,our technology will provide solutions promisinga sustainable future and greater prosperity.


Yanmar conducts research and development in five areas,
discovering solutions for a more prosperous society.

  • Y-Energy
  • Y-Robotics
  • Y-Cultivation
  • Y-Experience
  • Y-Quality

Y-EnergyOptimum energy supply
with minimum environmental impact

Yanmar explores technologies that combine efficiency, high performance, and environmental friendliness by engaging in research and development of next-generation power trains. This product utilizes energy sources efficiently with a view towards hybrid and electrical motorization.

  • Engine technology
  • Hydrogen/heat utilization technology
  • Hybrid technology
  • Power electronics/power transmission technology
  • Energy management technology

Y-RoboticsMaximum work
with minimum manpower

Establishing the technology of autonomous and automatic field robotics under challenging conditions, we offer a society where people can work with greater safety, less effort, and more precision.

  • Measurement recognition technology
  • AI control technology
  • Mechanical and power shift technology
  • System control technology

Y-CultivationMinimum impact cultivation of
the highest quality food

Biotechnology research and development in agriculture and fisheries will help achieve sustainable food production. We provide delicious and safe food by establishing technology that greatly improves harvest volume and quality.

  • Plant breeding and propagation technologies
  • Monitoring technologies
  • Environmental control technologies
  • Biological evaluation technologies

Y-ExperienceMaximum excitement through
advanced solutions

We develop technologies which help customers enjoy quality time. We hope to create a society that offers an exciting life filled with rich and fulfilling experiences.

  • Remote control technologies
  • Cognitive technologies
  • Evaluation and prediction technologies
  • Diagnostic technologies
  • Security

Y-QualityMaximum reliability and comfort
with minimum bother

By establishing technological capabilities to design, manufacture, and assess high quality products, we offer the highest level of reliability by making possible high operating rate without production interruption.

  • Ergonomics
  • Material and design technologies
  • Evaluation and prediction technologies
  • Diagnostic technologies
  • Security


The Yanmar Technical Review contains R&D information and technical papers submitted by our Research and Development team.
It presents the advanced technologies we are continually developing.


Research facilities for technology are operated in different parts of the world to support the business at Yanmar.

Research and Development Center Yanmar Kota Kinabalu R&D Center Sdn.Bhd. Yanmar R&D Europe Marine Farm Bio Innovation Center, Kurashiki Laboratory Yanmar (Shandong) R&D Center

Research and Development Center

Research and Development Center(Maibara, Shiga)

Yanmar operates this comprehensive research institute since 1956. The Research and Development Center is the main driving force for research at the Yanmar Group. Projects include explorations into automated operations, robotics, and energy.

Yanmar Kota Kinabalu R&D Center Sdn.Bhd.

Yanmar Kota Kinabalu R&D Center Sdn.Bhd.(Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia)

We work aggressively towards sustainability by producing and analyzing biofuels that are now being introduced to the Asian markets. We also apply biotechnological processes in our research and development of agriculture and aquaculture.

Yanmar R&D Europe

Yanmar R&D Europe(Tuscany, Italy)

We collaborate with local universities, research institutes and companies, to establish technologies for the effective use of next-generation energy. We conduct research in technologies for local energy networks, advanced simulations, and robot control.

Marine Farm

Marine Farm(Kunisaki, Oita)

Yanmar operates this specialized research facility for advances in marine industries. To increase aquafarming, we work to build a sustainable and sanitary aquaculture system by establishing aquafarming facilities, feed resources and seed oysters.

Bio Innovation CenterKurashiki Laboratory

Bio Innovation Center
Kurashiki Laboratory
(Kurashiki, Okayama)

As a cutting-edge biotechnology facility, we collaborate with Japanese and international research institutes to establish stable cultivation, production, and sustainable food production systems. We work to create new solutions.

Yanmar (Shandong) R&D Center

Yanmar (Shandong) R&D Center(Shandong, China)

We conduct research related to data information agriculture and resource recycling technology by collaborating with leading Chinese companies and research institutes. Using energy efficiency, we work to create safe food production and clean energy.

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