Gray Market Notice|YANMAR USA Skip to content

Gray Market Notice



What is a “Gray Market Product? ”A simple definition is a trademarked product originally designed and manufactured for use in a foreign market that is imported for resale in the United States without the consent of the owner of the trademark. In this instance, used Yanmar®-brand tractors, excavators, wheel loaders and carriers originally designed and manufactured by Yanmar Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. [“Yanmar”] for intended use in Japan or other countries that are being imported into the United States and sold to U.S. consumers by third parties without Yanmar’s consent or authorization.

The Yanmar®-brand tractors, excavators, wheel loaders and carriers designed for intended use in Japan do not meet U.S. standards and regulations in several respects. They also have other important differences from Yanmar®-brand tractors, excavators, wheel loaders and carriers designed and manufactured for the U.S. market and distributed through authorized channels. Some of these differences can affect the safe operation of the equipment. The purpose of this notice is to warn dealers, potential purchasers and owners and operators of “gray market” Yanmar®-brand tractors, excavators, wheel loaders and carriers of these differences. The most important safety-related differences between “gray market” Yanmar®-brand tractors, excavators, wheel loaders and carriers and those that were designed for the U.S. market and distributed through authorized channels are as follows:


Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) and a seat belt, certified to U.S. standards, which are recommended or required for tractors in the U.S. market, are not available for gray market tractors. A tractor without ROPS and a seat belt will, under many circumstances, afford the operator less protection in a rollover accident than a tractor with certified ROPS and a fastened seat belt.

Power Take-Off (PTO) master shields and guards, required on tractors for the U.S. market, are not normally installed on gray market tractors. These devices are intended to protect from injury inadvertent contact with the rotating PTO shaft.

Gray market tractors generally do not have an over-running clutch on the PTO whereas tractors designed for the U.S. market generally do. When a gray market tractor without such feature is used with a large rotary implement, it is possible for the tractor to continue moving even when the brakes are applied. Such implements are common in the U.S., but not in Japan.

Some gray market tractors are not equipped with a safety start switch. This feature is designed to prevent the tractor from starting in gear and potentially striking or running over an operator who misuses the tractor by starting it from the ground instead of from the operators seat as per Yanmar’s instructions.

Pulling on the throttle of a gray market tractor will cause it to accelerate whereas pulling on the throttle of a tractor designed for the U.S. market will cause it to decelerate. This difference can have potential safety consequences for an unsuspecting operator.

Gray market tractors have multiple PTO speeds for operating implements whereas tractors designed for the U.S. market generally have one PTO speed, namely, 540 revolutions per minute (rpm). If a gray market tractor is used with an implement designed for the U.S. market, the implement can be operated at revolution speeds in excess of its 540 rpm design speed, potentially leading to catastrophic failure of the implement and possible injury.

Operators manuals for gray market tractors were written in the Japanese language and are not available from Yanmar in the English language.

Warning decals for gray market tractors were written in the Japanese language and are not available from Yanmar in the English language.


Yanmar®-brand excavators, wheel loaders and carriers designed for the U.S. market have Rollover Protective Structures/Falling Object Protective Structures (“ROPS/FOPS”) and a seat belt installed as standard equipment, whereas gray market models do not.

Operators manuals for gray market excavators, wheel loaders and carriers were written in the Japanese language and are not available from Yanmar in the English language.

Warning decals for gray market excavators, wheel loaders and carriers were written in the Japanese language and are not available from Yanmar in the English language.

As a result of these safety issues and in order to protect the “Yanmar” trademark and reputation, Yanmar does not support gray market Yanmar®-brand tractors, excavators, wheel loaders and carriers and will not knowingly supply replacement parts for gray market units.

There is also no warranty from Yanmar for these used units which are present in the U.S. without Yanmar’s consent or authorization.

If you have any questions regarding gray market Yanmar®-brand tractors, excavators, wheel loaders or carriers, please contact:

Ryan M. Pott
Yanmar America Corporation
101 International Parkway
Adairsville, GA 30103

Tractors authorized For Sale in the U.S. by Yanmar Co. Ltd.:

GT14 YM186D YM347 SA221
YM122 YM187 YM359 SA223
YM135 YM187D T80 SA324
YM135D YM195 Sc2400 SA325
YM140 YM195D Sc2450 SA424
YM140D YM220 Sx3100 SA425
YM146 YM220D Ex2900 YT235
YM147 YM226 Ex3200 YT347
YM147D YM226D Ex450 YT359
YM155 YM240 Lx410
YM155D YM240D Lx450
YM165 YM276 Lx490
YM165D YM276D Lx4100
YM169 YM330 Lx4500
YM169D YM330D Lx4900
YM180 YM336
YM180D YM336D
YM186 YM342

Authorized US Excavators, Carriers, and Wheel Loaders:

Model Machine Serial number Model Machine Serial number
B17-2B 30501 and after Vio35-3 30501 and after
B22-2B 60501 and after Vio35-5 50501 and after
B27-2B 65001 and after Vio35-5B 53001 and after
B37-2B 60501 to 60800 Vio40-2 20501 and after
B37-2B 65001 and after Vio40-2A 25501 and after
B50-2B 60501 to 61145 Vio40-3 30501 and after
B50-2B 60501 and after Vio45-5 50501 and after
B14 00501 and after Vio45-5B 53001 and after
B15-3 BK11A26026 & after Vio50-2 20501 and after
B08-3 00501 and after Vio50-2A 25501 and after
SV08-1 10501 and after Vio50-3 30501 and after
SV08-1A 14001 and after Vio55-5 50501 and after
Vio15-2 20501 and after Vio55-5B 53001 and after
Vio15-2A 27501 and after Vio70 05001 and after
Vio17 00501 and after Vio75 00501 and after
Vio20-2 20501 and after Vio75-A 10501 and after
Vio20-3 30501 and after Vio75-C 15001 and after
Vio27-2 20501 and after Vio80 90501 and after
Vio27-3 30501 and after B7-3 30501 and after
Vio27-5 50501 and after B7-5A 57501 and after
Vio27-5B 53001 and after SV100 00501 and after
Vio35-2 20501 and after SV100-1 10501 and after
CBL40 00501 and after
C12R 20501 and after V3-3 31001 and after
C12R-A 22501 and after V4-3 31001 and after
C12R-B 25001 and after V3-5 00001 and after
C30R-US 00501 and after V4-5 00001 and after
C30RUS-2B 01001 & after V3-5A 53001 and after
C30RUS-3 01001 & after
C50R-3 30501 and after V4-5A 52001 and after
C50R-3A 41501 and after V4-5B 52501 and after
C50R-3B 45501 and after V4-5D 53001 and after
V3-6 60501 and after V8
V3-6 60501 and after V12

Yanmar Compact Excavator (current models)

  1. SV08-1B S/N 1B501 and up
  2. ViO17-A S/N 45001 and up
  3. ViO25-6A S/N 60712 and up
  4. ViO35-6A S/N 60501 and up
  5. SV40
  6. ViO45-6A S/N 60501 and up
  7. ViO50-6A S/N 60501 and up
  8. ViO55-6A S/N 60501 and up
  9. ViO80-1A S/N 1A994 and up
  10. SV100-2A S/N 20501 and up

Yanmar SSL/CTL

  1. S165R S/N MMCS165RB00901101
  2. S165R-1 S/N MMCS165RB00901601
  3. S190R S/N MMCS190RB00902101
  4. S190R-1 S/N MMCS190RB00902711
  5. S220R S/N MMCS220RB00903101
  6. S220R-1 S/N MMCS220RB00903704
  7. S270V S/N MMCS270VB00904101
  8. S270V-1 S/N MMCS270VF00904605
  9. T175 S/N MMC175RTF00030775
  10. T175-1 S/N MMCT175YB00351001
  11. T210 S/N MMC210RTA00040360
  12. T210-1 S/N MMCT210YB00461001

Yanmar Carrier

  1. C30R-3 S/N 30501 and up

Yanmar WL (current models)

  1. V4-6 S/N 60501 and up
  2. V4-7 S/N 70501 and up
  3. V8 S/N TL08040795 and up
  4. V10 S/N TL10040646 and up
  5. V12 S/N TL12040117 and up

Terex Models

Terex WL (Old models)

  1. TL65 S/N TL00650160 and up
  2. TL80 S/N TL00800212 and up
  3. TL100 S/N TL01000342 and up
  4. TL120 S/N TL01200143 and up

Terex MEX (including wheel excavators TW)

  1. TC16 S/N TC00160424 and up
  2. TC16-2 S/N TC01620101 and up
  3. TC20 S/N TC00201084 and up
  4. TC29 S/N TC00290178 and up
  5. TC35 S/N TC00350168 and up
  6. TC35-2 S/N TC03520103 and up
  7. TC37 S/N TC00370134 and up
  8. TC48 S/N TC00480140 and up
  9. TC50 S/N TC00500129 and up
  10. TC60 S/N TC00600132 and up
  11. TC75 S/N TC00750103 and up
  12. TC75-2 S/N TC07520134 and up
  13. TC85 S/N TC08540113 and up
  14. TC125 S/N TC01250203 and up
  15. TW85 S/N TW00850272 (1 unit only)
  16. TW110 S/N TW01100214 and up

Authorized US UTV Models

Standard Bull (3 seat); Premium Red, Hunter Green, or Realtree AP Camo

Longhorn (6 seat); Premium Red, Hunter Green, or Realtree AP Camo

Black Angus Edition (3 seat)

Black Angus Edition (6 seat)

Brahma Diesel (2 seat); Metallic Red, Yanmar Red, and Deep Tactical Green

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