News Release

Chikushi Girls’ High School Students’ Visitation to Yanmar Asia (YASC)

February 14, 2019
Yanmar Asia (S) Corporation Pte Ltd
- GA Department

Get-to-know life in the career world life after graduating from school…..

Flashing back memories on those days in school, wondering what career path to embark upon or what will be the future ahead. Those were the moment you and I would went through.

A couple of months’ ago, YASC received request of a study tour from Chikushi Girls’ High School. It will be an academic experience for the students, preparing them for their future and understanding work-life abroad. YASC was delighted to receive them.

On 7 December 2018, around 25 teachers and students arrived YASC office with excitement. YASC representatives warmly welcome them at YASC’s training room – Grand Orchid. The program was kicked off with an introduction video of Yanmar featuring an overview about Yanmar’s history, mission and achievements around the world. Followed by sharing session from YASC representatives - Ms Annie Toh, Mr FUJIMOTO Shinsuke, Mr MORISHITA Masaharu and Ms MURATA Izumi. They shared their working experience with YASC and working life-style in Singapore. The study tour trip was completed with a tour round YASC’s warehouse and office, led by Mr Morishita and ended with Q&A session.

Usually at most Q&A sessions, audience will keep quiet and speaker be the one talking. Unexpectedly, those students were different and with curiosity, they raised various questions. One of the questions was “What is the biggest challenge faced for working out of your home country?” “Food is the first issue faced when working abroad. Of course in Singapore, food is not an issue as huge varieties of food are available. But, when travelling on business trip to country where spicy food is the main dish then that is the biggest challenge.” Mr FUJIMOTO replied.

The study tour was wrapped up with a group photo in front of YASC building.

  • Note: Information contained in the news release is valid at the time of publication and may differ from the most recently available information.
