News Release
YASC Launches Its Training Grounds
April 21, 2017
Yanmar Asia (S) Corporation Pte Ltd
Yanmar Asia (YASC) has opened its doors to a training facility hosted within the firm itself, run by its very own team of passionate employees and engineers.
We have recently hosted our very first industrial product training, specifically on the new Wheel loaders V4-7.
We look forward to hosting similar training sessions and broadening the scope of our training dynamics in future, adding on to the many marine product training sessions we have successfully executed in the past.
YASC earnestly invites its fellow Yanmar affiliate companies to be a part of this training facility, be it to co-host training sessions or otherwise. This will offer an intricate level of transparency and an elaborate information network which we believe will be mutually beneficial, and ultimately enhancing our customers' experience with Yanmar.
- Note: Information contained in the news release is valid at the time of publication and may differ from the most recently available information.