News Release


April 21, 2015

In their continuous effort to promote Yanmar’s latest 12AY and 6HY series, YASC and PT Pioneer collaborated to stage a seminar in Manado. The seminar ran from Dec 3 to Dec 5 last year, with 40 guests in attendance. The bulk of customers who came comprised of shipyard owners, ferry owners, and engineers.

VIPs signing in their attendance in the guest book
VIPs signing in their attendance in the guest book
Bird's eye view of the guests in attendance
Bird's eye view of the guests in attendance

Manado resides as a strategic location at the heart of the Coral Triangle region, inhabited by over 37 percent of the world’s coral reef fish species, making it an ideal fishing spot. It is home to profitable fishes such as Skipjacks and Yellow Fins. As such, a majority of YASC’s sales from the 12AY and 6HA2M series in Indonesia are derived from customers in Manado. They account for 35 percent sales and 50 percent sales respectively, with the former encompassing of passenger boats, while the latter comprising of fishing vessels.

YASC's Gary Wong presenting the technical details
YASC's Gary Wong presenting the technical details

This seminar was conducted to further market the 12AY, as well as to promote the 6HY series, the electronic KE4+ remote control system and the electric panel display. YASC is targeting to market the Yanmar 6HY series for the fishing vessels, in order to push shipyard owners into building bigger ships. This would benefit them remarkably, lessening the time needed for travel and adding greater load capacity to the ships.

Guests getting a first-hand experience with the panels
Guests getting a first-hand experience with the panels

After the formal presentation, guests also had the chance to try a hands-on experience with the electric panel system. With the Indonesian government’s latest move to build its Northern, Southern, and Middle Archipelago Belts, eventually connecting the islands by ferries and ROROs, YASC and PT Pioneer recognized the market’s potential for growth.

Following Manado, YASC has also set her sights on Batam, a competitive but neutral area yet to be monopolized by any brand.
