I Want to Win the WE League With the Teammates I Love

Miyu Yakata Cerezo Osaka Yanmar Ladies

Tenacious and Unembellished, Aiming for Double-Digit Goals

The third season of the WE League, Japan’s first professional women’s football league, begins this November.
What kind of performance should we expect from the Cerezo Osaka Yanmar Ladies, who have achieved their debut in the WE League?
For the fourth installment in our series of interviews with players shouldering grand expectations, we are joined by the team’s driving force, striker Miyu Yakata.

Firstly, please tell us about your playstyle and strengths.
My strength is making high presses from the front line and making tenacious and unembellished tries at the goal from the box.
What do you keep in mind and focus on during games?
To go for a goal even with low chances. I always keep that in mind, of course. Other than that, I keep in mind that when I defend from the front, the whole team switches to defensive.
When it comes to Cerezo Osaka Yanmar Ladies’ characteristic play “defend from the front,” how do you decide when to press or not?
Of course, I pay attention to directions from the back, but when I think I can push, I will. I decide for myself, pick up speed, and press. I keep my mind on that during every game.
What role does the rest of the team expect you to play?
Firstly, to run all 90 minutes. Then, once we steal the ball, that I will play in a way that will lead to a goal. Other than that, that I will take the center in unbalancing offensive plays. Making and receiving forward passes. That’s something the entire team is focused on.
Do you have a target for goal numbers?
For the current season, the target is double digits. To achieve that, we have to convert even low-chance opportunities. Tenacious and unpolished plays like pushing forward in front of the goal with my body is what I believe will lead to achieving double-digit goal numbers.
So, coordination with teammates who pass to you is essential.
Very much so. Coordination between passing players is important. When it comes to cross passes from the sides or forward passes from behind, I try to create openings to make those passes easy for the passing players by finding the right moment and maneuvering around the opposing defenders. Even during practice, I am working on making those requests, and improving precision through communication.
During the WE League Cup, Yakata made four appearances, scoring three goals
During the WE League Cup, Yakata made four appearances, scoring three goals
During the two seasons beginning with the 2021-2022 season’s WE League, you played with the Mynavi Sendai Ladies. What did you take away from those two years?
I learned about communication between different players, about making requests during play. What kind of play is necessary for each situation. The different commitments and qualities of each footballer’s play. I was able to learn a lot about these from older players.
You returned to the Cerezo Osaka Yanmar Ladies this summer; do you have a desire to bring what you learned back to the team?
Unlike Mynavi Sendai, Cerezo’s players are mostly younger than me. While putting in 100% during practice, I also want to help the younger players, maybe not by teaching, but by focusing on listening to their ideas and achieving communication.
While playing with Mynavi Sendai you were playing as a professional. Did you notice any changes in yourself?
First, I felt a change in appreciation. I felt an increase in the appreciation towards those I met and those who supported us. I relearned a lot about manners and greeting. As going professional gave me more free time, I also feel like my ideas about football has changed a lot.

A striking feeling of “ah, I’m back”

What do you feel are Cerezo Osaka Yanmar Ladies’ points of interest?
We are the youngest team in the WE League, so I think fans will be able to enjoy seeing us mature as we play each game. We hope to show that growth in our play as we work hard to win each game.
In the WE League Cup, the team finished second in the group with three wins, one draw and one loss. If you were to be candid, what was your response to the results?
I thought we were able to give it our all. In particular, I hope that we can take the forward pressing plays that led to goals and use that in the WE League. However, there are still tasks ahead of us. The quality of passes and strikes. We have to improve in our conversion of opportunities to goals.
After two and a half years, you put the Cerezo pink uniform back on and played in Yodoko Sakura Stadium. How did it make you feel?
I was super happy. And when I made that goal for the team I strongly felt “ah, I’m back.” In Yodoko Sakura Stadium, the pitch is close to the stands, so you can really feel the presence of the fans while playing. I really felt appreciative of that. And the sense of unity within the Cerezo Family was amazing. I really felt like I want to keep winning.
What do the Cerezo Osaka Yanmar Ladies mean to you?
They are the biggest part of me. And, on top of that, they changed my life. When I came to Cerezo, I learned from nothing. My feelings toward football, the importance of a team… I learned everything here.
You seem very attached to Cerezo.
I was raised by Cerezo, and I love the players and team I have played with for so long. I was always thinking about Cerezo even when I was playing with Mynavi Sendai. And I kept in touch with the players. I was incredibly happy I could come back, and I want to win the WE League with the team and teammates the teammates I love. I feel that so strongly.
Sense of unity with the fans is also a strength of C. Osaka Yanmar Ladies
Sense of unity with the fans is also a strength of C. Osaka Yanmar Ladies
Currently, you are 23 years old. What kind of player would you like to become?
Rather than “still 23,” I feel like I am “already 23.” I want to be involved in all games, participate most in the team, and join Nadeshiko Japan. I’m striving forward with that goal in mind.
You’ve already spoken about it a bit, but what aspect of Cerezo Osaka Yanmar Ladies’ play do you want fans and supporters to see and enjoy?
Our reckless, endless running in every game, which you can only see in a young team like ours. I want fans to enjoy that. Other than that, I want them to enjoy the sense of unity in the stadium, or rather, the atmosphere when we celebrate with our fans when we win.
Finally, please tell us about your goal for the team’s first WE League participation.
As a team, our goal is to break the top 5. However, we were able to show at the WE League Cup how much we can do, so I would like to fight as a team to see how high up the ranks we can climb.

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