Home Om YANMAR MARINE INTERNATIONAL Nyheter YANMAR is proud to sponsor the trimaran MACIF

YANMAR is proud to sponsor the trimaran MACIF

Eighteen months after build got underway, the trimaran MACIF left the CDK Keroman Technologies shed on Tuesday 18th August to be set in the water at the submarine base in Lorient. A much awaited and emotional moment for sponsor Macif, François Gabart and the shore team, pleased and proud of the work accomplished. The newly arrived MACIF trimaran marks the culmination of a project which the team has worked on for the best part of two years. A new challenge for both sponsor and skipper. François Gabart is eager to get down to the business of sailing his new 30-metre (99-foot) yacht and to rise to the challenges ahead.

Press release Launch trimaran MACIF

©Alexis Courcoux / Macif

Mise a l eau du Trimaran MACIF – skipper : Francois Gabard – Lorient le 18/08/2015


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Home Om YANMAR MARINE INTERNATIONAL Nyheter YANMAR is proud to sponsor the trimaran MACIF
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