Home About YANMAR MARINE INTERNATIONAL News Yanmar Announces FY2013 Interim Business Results Forecast

Yanmar Announces FY2013 Interim Business Results Forecast

Yanmar announced the FY2013 interim business results forecast at the Osaka Head Office on November 28, 2013, as follows:

1. Yanmar Group FY2013, 1st Semester Business Results (April-September 2013):
In the first semester, the Japanese economy showed signs of improvement backed up by increased consumer demand and a rise in exports derived from the recent depreciation of the yen. However, the rush in demand before the scheduled increase in sales tax is likely to be followed by a corresponding slump once the tax is introduced, making it necessary for local government to introduce effective strategies towards maintaining positive growth.

In Asia markets were sluggish, with growth slowing in China and ASEAN countries. With regards to developed economies, while housing works have increased, uncertainties in the financial system persist. In Europe, the prolonged financial crisis appears to have ameliorated, with promising signs of recovery for the coming term.

Yanmar’s undertakings in the first semester were focused on shifting to a holding company structure, while improving core business competitiveness and accelerating expansion outside Japan. We continued enlarging business scope in emerging markets and increasing production in China and Indonesia, while reorganizing the overall production system in Japan. In addition, the Yanmar Premium Brand Project was launched, towards enhancing products, after-sales service and communication to unprecedented levels and forging a lasting relationship of trust with our customers worldwide.

These undertakings led to the achievement of the following consolidated results: Net Sales of YEN312.6 billion, YEN18.8 billion more than in FY2012, Ordinary Profit of YEN25.3 billion, YEN3.8 billion more than in FY2012, Net Sales Ratio of 8.1%, and Net Profit of YEN17.2 billion, YEN4.3 billion more than in FY2012.

Note: “FY2012” indicates here the first semester of FY2012, April-September 2012.

2. Yanmar Group FY2013 Business Results Forecast:
For FY2013 end, we expect consolidated Net Sales of YEN640 billion, YEN62.9 billion more than in FY2012, Operating Profit of YEN40.3 billion, YEN6.5 billion more than in FY2012 and Ordinary Profit of YEN42 billion, YEN6.2 billion more than in FY2012.

The above forecast is based on currently available data, and subject to changes in the market demand, exchange rates and other economic variables.

Consolidated results in the preceding year represent Yanmar Co., Ltd. results.


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